
November 9, 2015

Disaster plans are not always top of mind for most homeowners until there is a threat of a natural disaster occurrence. And although your area may be less prone to a natural disaster, it is always good to be prepared with a plan. When creating your disaster plan, whether it be for a hurricane, tornado, or flood, you should always store away important documents in a safe place. Protect Your Important Papers and Documents […]

July 6, 2015

Unlike baseball season or the holiday season, hurricane season is typically not a time of year that people eagerly anticipate. And there is good reason for that. Lasting six months, from the beginning of June through the end of November, you are susceptible to hurricane damage. Whether in the heart of the storm or miles away, you are still at risk of being negatively impacted by a destructive storm. To keep your damages to […]

June 22, 2015

Hurricane season is underway and many are relieved to hear that the U.S. is expected to have another quiet year. And although there has not been a major hurricane in nine years (Hurricane Katrina), it’s predicted that this hurricane drought will create a rude awakening when the next one hits. No matter their size, hurricanes are extremely destructive. And whether you live on the coast or hundreds of miles inland, you can still be […]

November 24, 2014

On average, approximately 1,200 tornadoes occur in the U.S. each year. Compared to earlier years, 2013 was relatively quiet but still resulted in 54 fatalities and over a billion dollars in damage according to National Climatic Data Center records. Even if you don’t live in a high-risk state like Kansas or Nebraska, strong and violent tornadoes can – and do – happen. Depending on the type of twister, you could have serious repercussions spinning […]

September 15, 2014

Your home is one of your biggest assets and should be properly taken care of to maximize its useful lifetime.  Maintaining a sturdy home that is protected from the unexpected can be incredibly difficult, especially in the case of a natural disaster.  One storm that can be extremely destructive is a hurricane and if you are not properly prepared, it can do serious damage that will leave you with many expensive repairs. From uprooting […]