Why You Should Have Your Home Painted In The Winter

Winter is approaching so exterior projects are coming to a halt. Now you can focus on bringing your interior projects to life.

If painting has been on your to-do list, now is the time to get it done.

Winter brings about the cold, dreary weather, so a fresh coat of paint can really liven things up until the spring rolls around again.

Potentially Cheaper Quotes

Professional painters may have cheaper quotes during the winter months.

This may be their slow time, so clients are less common. Since supply is higher than demand for painters in the winter, you can expect to pay cheaper prices than hiring them in the spring or summer months.

This also offers better flexibility since they won’t be booked with clients. You’ll have more freedom to choose the day and time you’d like the job done instead of just picking a spot they have open. This is a lifesaver if you have a busy schedule.

Not only will you save money on professional quotes but spreading your projects out through the whole year will be easier on your pockets as well.

Exterior improvements need to be done in good weather, so it’s not an option to do those in the winter. However, piling everything into the summer, such as exterior painting, interior painting, etc., will leave you with a hefty home improvement bill.

Saving the interior painting for winter will be easier on your budget.

Mood Boost

Winter weather seems to drag people down. The mood is significantly different in winter than it is in spring or summer. A fresh coat of paint could change that, especially if you choose cheery colors.

Vibrant colors can make shorter days easier to bear. Winter blues affects many people and if you notice your friends and family dealing with it, you could invite them over for a small get together to show off your new, brightly colored home.

Talk about a mood boost for the whole party!

Holiday Gift

Having the interior painted could be a unique holiday gift for your partner or family. This is the perfect opportunity to surprise your partner with a room painted their favorite color.

You could even have kids’ rooms painted their favorite colors as a gift to them too. The newly painted rooms will keep on giving since they will provide happiness all year round and not just for the holiday season.

Optimal Environment

Summer is good for a lot of things, like swimming or soaking up some UV rays, but it is not ideal for painting.

Hot, humid weather means paint takes longer to dry. In areas with harsh summers, the heat can interrupt the curing process, creating bubbles and flakes in the paint, or even patches of uneven color. Winter air is dry and crisp, decreasing the curing time of the paint so your project gets completed sooner.

Since the sun rises earlier in the winter, you can get your project started earlier.

If you are painting yourself, you can start early in the morning and get done earlier so you can spend the evening doing something else. The timing and weather make winter optimal for interior painting.

Home Value

The housing market starts booming in spring into the summer, with many listing their homes for sale or placing offers on a new home. Giving your home a fresh coat of paint in the winter will increase your home’s value, getting it ready for the busy season if you’re planning on selling.

New coats of paint in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom are sure to catch the attention of potential buyers when selling season comes.

Time Off

Since you’ll have time off during winter for the holidays, it’s the perfect opportunity to paint the interior of your home if you’re choosing to do it yourself instead of hiring professionals. That way, you don’t have to squeeze your project into weekends you have off like you might have to do in the spring or summer.

Doing something productive at home may also help keep the winter blues away and once you see your new interior, it’ll definitely be something to be cheery about.

Don’t leave your home improvement projects all for spring and summer. Though you can’t paint the exterior of your home in the winter, you can give the interior a brand-new look. Not only will this increase your home’s value in preparation for selling season if you’re putting it on the market, but vibrant colors can help drive the winter blues away, making your winter less dreary.

If you’re hiring a professional to paint for you, you can expect better availability in the winter so your project can get done on your terms while saving you money.