
October 26, 2015

If you’ve ever experienced one day where it is shorts weather and then the next day you’re wearing a winter jacket, you are not alone. This drastic swing in temperatures is known to be associated with the freeze-thaw cycle. And no, it does not have anything to do with freezing meat and then letting it thaw out on the counter top. The freeze-thaw cycle occurs when there is moisture in the air and the […]

October 13, 2014

For most homeowners, sitting out on a recliner on your front porch during a thunderstorm is considered calming and relaxing. Unfortunately though, sometimes those thunderstorms have cumulonimbus clouds that drop pellets of frozen rain. Yes, we are talking about hailstones, and they can lead to serious property damage. Hailstones, or hail pellets, are layers of ice and water that fall out of the sky and come in all different shapes and sizes. What in […]