
February 13, 2017

As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. But like anything you hold dear, what you get out of it is usually a direct reflection of what you put into it. So show your home some love in this month of hearts and roses. Speaking of roses… Give Your Home Some Flowers Flowers are an easy way to add a little elegance and romance to your home. Not only do they look […]

January 2, 2017

During the winter, it’s important to prep your home for the worst. While, yes, it’s essential to implement emergency action plans to keep your family safe, it’s also essential to prepare your home for the damages that can accompany blizzards. There are a few ways to keep your home in the best shape for severe winter weather, so make sure you are taking the proper precautions to keep your family and your home safe […]

November 21, 2016

Having a radon detector in your home is just as important as having a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector. Most modern homes are built with one already installed, but many older homes are not. However, neither are safe from radon. Any home can be exposed to this gas and making sure there is a detector installed, as well as having a professional test for it regularly should be a priority. What is Radon? […]

October 10, 2016

Lightning strikes about 25 million times per year in the United States, as per weather.com. That being said, your home, yard, and/or trees have a relatively high likelihood of being struck. It’s important to know how lightning can impact your home both negatively and positively. Let’s shed a little light on the possibilities… Power Surges This is a pretty common side effect of lightning. Lightning can cause a power surge in your home, even if it doesn’t specifically hit […]

August 15, 2016

Unfortunately, many of our appliances come with an expiration date. It’s best to know how long these items will last in our homes before we make decisions on new purchases. Take a look at this chart to see how long your appliances last and whether or not you are due for an upgrade! Keep in mind that your appliances will always last longer with proper upkeep and caretaking. Not every appliance will last to […]