
October 15, 2018

Every year, household magazines haul out a list of the best green cleaning products, especially since buying eco-friendly products has never been more popular. Unfortunately, many people don’t take the time to think critically about what products to use in the home, or fail to educate themselves about ingredients and key phrases. This year, we took a different approach to selecting green cleaning products. Here are few new ways to better rationalize your choices for eco-friendly cleaning products […]

April 24, 2017

Even though much of the country is still coping with a surprisingly robust winter storm right now, others are starting to think about spring cleaning. Here in America, spring cleaning is an especially necessary custom due to much of the country being geographically located in continental and wet climates. Long before the advent of air conditioning or vacuum cleaners, March was often the best time for dusting because the weather gets warm enough to […]

March 20, 2017

As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning, and one of the most important elements of this task is vacuuming all those little-used spaces you don’t usually get around to cleaning. Why not have a robot do your vacuuming for you instead? Yes, really. It might sound like an Internet start-up but the Roomba is actually one of the most well-established and innovative cleaning products on the market. Roomba is a […]

March 13, 2017

If you have ever thought to yourself, “How did I ever get so much stuff?” then it’s probably time to reorganize. We all have spaces, sheds, and closets that are overstuffed with things we don’t use regularly, seasonal items, and often things we can’t even find when we need them, especially if you move regularly. Here are some tips to save a little space for yourself in your home. 1. Declutter This is the […]

December 19, 2016

It’s important to take proper care of your chimney to avoid any dangers throughout the winter. And, the big man and his eight reindeer will be here soon enough! Be sure that both your family and Mr. Clause stay safe this year with these chimney caretaking tips.  Nobody Likes a Dirty Chimney (Especially Santa) It’s important to get your chimney cleaned on a regular basis, even when you’re not using it as often. Overtime, leftover […]