Preparing Your Home for Summer Vacation

Summertime is finally here, which means kids are out of school and family vacations are scheduled. And if you’re planning a summer vacation, there are several steps to prep your home while you’re away.

Do You Have a Plan?

Notepad and pencil on a beach circle backgroundYou’ve made plans for your vacation but have you made plans for your vacant home? Make arrangements with a neighbor or family friend to check up on your home during longer vacations. If someone is taking care of your pets, give them a spare key – do not hide it. This person can also bring in your mail and water your plants. It’s always good to have someone nearby that can monitor your home at the very least.

Keep Your Home Looking Normal

Keep Your Home Looking NormalMake your home look occupied if you do not have pets and you don’t have someone to housesit. Don’t make it obvious that you’re not home. Leave your blinds or curtains as is. If your blinds are usually open, leave them open. When you shut blinds neighbors cannot see and report any suspicious activity.

Control Your Home Remotely

Control Your Home RemotelyYou can leave a light on in your home if your vacation only lasts two or three days. Whatever you do, don’t turn off your air. Sure it would save energy, but you do not want to return to a muggy home. That could lead to mold and mildew. If the duration of your vacation is longer, you’ll want to use automatic timers. There are smartphone apps that allow you to remotely monitor your home, schedule your lights to turn on and off, and adjust your thermostat.

Be Less Social

Be Less SocialSocial media posts of your vacation can wait till you return. And it is especially important to leave out the dates of your vacation. The last thing you want to do is announce that your home will be unoccupied for specific days. It’s always nice to disconnect from social media and your vacation is the perfect time to do so.

Prepare for Your Return

Prepare for Your ReturnLastly, you want to prepare for your return. Let’s face it, your vacation won’t last forever. So before your leave, clean your house. There is nothing worse than coming back to a messy home after a nice and relaxing vacation. Clean out the fridge, do the dishes, and do the laundry. You’ll also want to keep the countertops clean and spray for bugs. For more information on preparing your home for a summer vacation, click here.
