Pet Hurricane Plan

When preparing for a hurricane, you should always have a disaster plan for your pets. If you do not have a plan for your pets during a major storm, they are at risk of getting lost, hurt, and even killed.

Disaster Kit

Disaster KitYour pets need to have an emergency kit like the one you’ve made for yourself. Have a pet carrier ready and fully stocked. There should be at least three days’ worth of non-perishable food and water included in the bag. You can also add cans of tuna to the bag. Canned tuna provides protein for the animals and you can also eat it if needed. Other items to include in your pet’s disaster kit is a spare leash, veterinarian documentation, medicine, and a current picture of your pet. All documentation should be stored in a waterproof container to reduce the risk of damage.

Prepare Your Pet

Prepare Your PetYour pet needs to have a collar with tags. The tag should include your home address, your phone number, and another phone number in case you cannot be reached. Having your animals chipped can also be beneficial – just be sure to have the current information listed in the records.

Identify Pet-Friendly Shelters

Identify Pet-Friendly SheltersWell before a storm occurs, you should already know local pet-friendly shelters and hotels. Pet Friendly Hotels, Pets Allowed Hotels, and are some of the different resources for identifying pet-friendly hotels. You can also call your local Humane Society or veterinarian for more information. Just be sure your pets have the correct vaccinations; otherwise they might not be permitted to stay. When you know a storm is coming, call your local animal shelter to make sure there is vacancy. It is also a good idea to make arrangements with a neighbor, friend, or relative in case pet-friendly shelters are not an option or you are unable to get to your pet.

During and After the Storm

During and After the StormPets are family. If you evacuate your home, take your pets with you. If it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for them. When the storm has passed and you return to your home, your pet might be in shock if there was severe damage to the inside or outside of your home. When you take your pet outside, keep them on a leash so that they can re-familiarize themselves with the area. If you follow these precautions, you will maximize your pet’s safety.

Check out more pet hurricane safety tips here.