Painting with a Purpose: Know Your Stuff Before You Start

The winter season is slowly slipping away from us, and believe it or not, it’s the best season for getting some painting done around your home!

The crisp air is great for the paint, and snow days being gone means you can open your windows and give you time to finally finish the wall behind the couch.

But, before you start, it’s important to do your research and buy the right paint for the job!

The type of paint you choose is just as important as the color.

Water-Based Paints

Water Based PaintsWater-based latex paints are the most popular in today’s market, especially with do-it-yourselfers. These paints are very durable and keep vivid color for long periods of time. They don’t tend to get brittle and have a strong resistance against cracking. Water-based paints are great for interior walls and best for the following exterior surfaces:

  •     Wood
  •     New stucco
  •     Weathered aluminum or vinyl siding

Oil-Based Paints

Oil Based PaintsOil-based paints have very good adhesion characteristics, meaning they won’t chip off of the surface in which they’re applied to. Adhesion is important and essential for a durable and long-lasting paint job. However, oil-based paints do tend to oxidize over time, leading to cracks and chipping after application. However, they are still a great choice for the following paint jobs:

Flat Finishes

Painter with a rollerbrush painting ceiling whiteFlat finishes help material to cope with moisture. Its non-reflective appearance can help hide blemishes on the surface of walls and smooth out any small cracks. A flat finish should be used for:

  • Ceilings
  • Formal living rooms
  • Adult bedrooms
  • Dining rooms

Satin Finishes

Satin Finishes on hallway wallsSatin finishes have a slight gloss to them. It’s the perfect in-between of a matte finish and a semi-gloss finish. It gives the color of the base coat a very vibrant and rich look. It’s also a durable finish, making it perfect for these rooms:

  • Hallways
  • Woodwork
  • Family rooms
  • Children’s rooms

Semi-Gloss Finishes

Semi Gloss FinishesThis finish adds just enough gloss for a lustrous look. It can often be easily cleaned. Semi-gloss finishes are very durable, making them a strong but beautiful top coat that work great for:

  • Trim
  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms

Gloss Finishes

Gloss FinishesAs you can imagine, a gloss finish adds the most shine to your surfaces. They’re great for areas that you want to highlight around your home such as:

  • Wood trim
  • Cabinets
  • Doors
  • Furniture

Matte Finishes

Matte FinishesA matte finish has no shine at all. If you’re wanting something a little bit more modern, a matte finish is the perfect top coat for you. It also helps to cover up any mistakes in the base coat and keeps the walls smooth and washable. This finish should be used mostly for:

  • Interior walls
  • Accent walls