How Do You Know When Your Roof Needs To Be Repaired or Replaced?

We live in a fast-paced world, where one minute you’re burning your morning toast and the next minute you’re carpooling to soccer practice.  Life is hectic, and the last thing on your mind is your roof.  Unfortunately, the most common part of a home that is damaged is the roof.  From extreme heat to heavy snow to pouring rain, your roof takes on a lot, so why not take better care of it? Unless you’re a roofing expert, you probably don’t have all of the extensive experiences required; however there are some simple ways to determine if your roof needs repair.

Leaky Roof

The first, and typically most obvious way of noticing a repair is needed is a leaky roof.  If you notice water drippage, a wet spot on your ceiling, or a puddle forming on the floor, your roof may be the culprit and could lead to water damage within your home.  A leak can occur for several reasons, including ice build up and rain damage.  Extreme weather conditions, mislaid shingles, and old age are just some of the many factors associated with a leaky roof.  While a leakage can sometimes be obvious, there are other factors that might not be as noticeable.

Wear and Tear

As with most things in life, a roof does not last forever.  The same is true for roof shingles.  You can identify old shingles in a number of ways, and the sooner they are assessed, the less you have to worry.  If you look at the shingles on your roof and they are cracked, curled or even missing, it might be time for a new roof.  Old shingles can also lose granules – which are the minerals on the shingle that give shingles its texture and protect the shingle from sunlight.  This can be noticed by identifying dark spots on the roof that look dirty.  Roof shingles have handled years of weather conditions, and with their useful life coming to an end, you should consider a new roof before more damage occurs.

Blistering / Peeling of Interior / Exterior Paint

Do not underestimate the damage associated with heat and the humidity.  With temperatures rising, it is not uncommon to see exterior decay and the peeling of interior or exterior paint. Interior stains, as well as mold and mildew can also be signs for concern.  Typically, this is due to inadequate shingle underlayment, which then leads to an attic with poor ventilation.  Check for any one of these signs as humidity can damage more than just your physical assets.

The Savings Could be in a New Roof

If you are unable to see any physical damage to your house or roof, you might want to check your electric bill.  A strong, durable roof is one that keeps out moisture, hot and cold temperatures, and furry critters.  If your roof is creating insufficient ventilation through the attic, your energy for heating and cooling will increase.  With an increase in energy use comes an increase in your electric bill.

A repaired or replaced roof could be more of a necessity than what you think, so slow down and make the time to inspect your roof.