Easy Steps to Inspect Your Property 2x a Year

With a New Year comes New Year’s resolutions and for many, that means exercising more often, eating healthier, or spending less. But what about making a resolution for your home’s well-being? Inspections to your property can be done in as infrequently as twice a year and will benefit your home for years to come. It is advised that these inspections occur in the spring and fall, as these times of year have the best weather conditions. There are some simple steps that can make your property inspection seem less like a chore and more like an awesome accomplishment.

Lawn & Furnishings

Lawn & FurnishingsYour lawn and furnishings can be a great indicator of underlying property issues. Large branches and piles of leaves can mean there could be damage to your roof and gutters. If the ground around the base of your home is soft or has puddles of water, your rain gutters could be clogged and allowing water to seep into your basement. A rusted air conditioning unit or rusting furniture could be a sign that your rain gutters are also rusted, so inspecting your lawn and furnishing elements makes you aware of other potential risks.

Siding & Windows

Siding & WindowsWhen inspecting your house’s siding, look for stains and discoloration or moss and algae. Also be on the lookout for peeling siding, chipped paint, cracked stucco and missing brick mortar. These issues can impact your home’s ventilation system and also let in moisture. While examining the siding, also check for any cracks on the glazing around windowpanes and residue buildup. Residue buildup can be a sign of termites and other unwanted critters. A pressure washer is great tool to use when inspecting your home, especially for identifying those hidden issues on your siding and windows.

Rain Gutters

Worker cleaning leaves from rain guttersChecking your rain gutters can be a tricky task, as you’ll need a ladder since they aren’t at eye level. For your gutter inspection you’ll also need gloves, a plastic bag, and a water hose; a positive attitude is always helpful, too. When examining your gutters, you should be looking for debris, cracks, moss, and rusting. These are not always as obvious to the eye, so that’s where your water hose comes into play. By running your hose through the gutters, you can identify any buildups, overflows, and leaks due to cracks. Also look for any nesting. While a bird’s nest can be cute in the beginning, it can do serious damage to your home and bring more uninvited guests down the road.


RoofWhile checking your gutters for any damages and making minor repairs, you can also inspect your roof. This is an external and internal job. While outside, you can look for cracks, soft spots, moss, and loose or curling shingles. If you have a chimney, it is also a good idea to inspect the flashing and the mortar joints for cracks and holes as they can lead to leaking. On the inside of your house, you can inspect your ceilings and walls for any water stains; another sign of roof damage.

A New Year and a Better Home

A New Year and a Better HomePerforming your own home inspection is a simple way to maintain the longevity of its value. Checking the grounds of your property as well as the exterior elements of your home is an essential part of your property’s maintenance. So for the New Year, you owe it to yourself and your home to inspect your property at least two times a year. Remember to always use caution when performing an inspection. If you are unable to access the higher elements of your home or are unsure if there is any damage, feel free to contact your local Shamrock Roofing representative for a free, no-obligation inspection.

 See Also: Shamrock Roofing’s Inspection Process