
March 13, 2019

Do cracks in your home’s foundation keep you up at night? While many homeowners take a while to notice a hairline crack or two, which may not be a big problem, understanding what causes foundation cracks can go a long way towards knowing just how serious your structural damage is and how to address it. What to Look For First, you might find warning signs of structural damage in the interior of your home. In addition to drywall […]

February 27, 2019

Being a homeowner comes with a lot of pressure. From lawns to roofs, there’s a ton of stuff to keep running, repaired, and reasonably priced at any given time. The bad news is that your basement is no different. While it might just seem like a convenient place to put the washer/dryer or store your old stuff, basements take some attention each year to keep them in tip-top shape over time. Just like your roof, which is another place […]

February 18, 2019

With some massive winter storms and record freezing temperatures rocking the country right now, it might not feel like spring is right around the corner but before you know it, there will be gardens to tend, exterior walls to paint, and gutters to clean. February is a great time to give your home the once-over both inside and out so you keep the place fresh and prevent problems that might require a professional to fix once they’ve gone too far. Here are […]

January 30, 2019

A metal roof might seem like a counterintuitive choice for the literal roof over your head, but there are many compelling reasons to make that choice. A metal roof beats out conventional or traditional roofing materials in several ways. Half-Life First, properly installed, a metal roof is expected to survive longer than a roof made out of traditional wood shingles, even if they’re made out of more advanced and expectedly fireproof materials. While metal roofs can wear down due to external forces, […]

January 16, 2019

Well, the old year has passed and now we get to see what the future holds. In terms of everyday technology, the world is changing incredibly quickly so it’s nice to know how technology is changing before the world changes around you. One of the biggest revolutions in recent years has been the advent of smart home technology. You can think of adding smart home technology to your life as a kind of “home improvement,” but […]

January 4, 2019

Home improvement doesn’t show any signs of slowing down next year, despite worries about a cooling economy, and changes in lifestyle and technology continue to evolve how we live, work, sleep and eat at home in order to make our lives more convenient and comfortable.  We’re always going to have standard improvements like painting or annual checkups but these new upgrades may come as a surprise. We’ve taken a quick look in our crystal ball, and here are some of […]

December 24, 2018

Unfortunately, plowing into a wintery or rainy January is always a drag: the holiday decorations are gone (hopefully), there aren’t any events, sports are in midseason limbo, and the movies are all bad. But there’s always a great way to cure those post-holiday blues by putting yourself and/or your family to work with some home improvement projects that are perfect for this time of year. Here are some ideas for home improvement projects that will keep you busy […]

November 9, 2018

The deals are coming, so this is a great season to think about home upgrades or upping your equipment roster when it comes to maintenance. Whether you’re thinking about saving on your electric bills by upgrading to an energy-smart appliance or getting ahead on your home landscaping with a new lawnmower or weed-whacker, you can save tons this time of year if you pay attention and make a plan not only on what to […]

October 29, 2018

To quote US Magazine: Bugs! They’re just like us! Okay, maybe they’re not frequenting the Starbucks on Hollywood Boulevard but they want to stay alive just as much as us, and winter is coming. It turns out insects and other pests do a lot of weird things to stay alive when it gets cold. Like the snowbirds, they head south to warmer climates. Some of the freakier ones go dormant in a stage called “diapause,” a form of […]

October 15, 2018

Every year, household magazines haul out a list of the best green cleaning products, especially since buying eco-friendly products has never been more popular. Unfortunately, many people don’t take the time to think critically about what products to use in the home, or fail to educate themselves about ingredients and key phrases. This year, we took a different approach to selecting green cleaning products. Here are few new ways to better rationalize your choices for eco-friendly cleaning products […]